What is next for Better images?

What is next for Better images? featuring Beebrand designs  

What do the confectionery and hot drinks industry, the interior design and homeware design industry have in common? They all benefit from better visual content.


In recent months we are discovering how Better Images can be used across a multitude of Industries featuring our recent client Beebrand Design, Here at Frame we have already established ourselves in the confectionery and hot drinks industry with between 10-40% uplift in sales and now we are moving into the interior design and homeware design industry with our clever Ai-powered Better Images service.  

The benefits of better images are clear: they improve brand recognition, boost sales, and increase customer loyalty. But it’s not always easy to get started with great images. You need to find the right photographer, work out what you want to achieve with your images, and then find a way to make it happen, which is costly not only for the wallet but also time. 

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you take new photos for your business or brand. There are plenty of ways that you can use existing images and make better images out of them. This means that there are lots of ways for you to use existing images across multiple sectors without ever having to take any new ones yourself or hiring a photographer!

After Better Images 

Before Better Images 

After Better Images

Introducing BeeBrand Designs

BeeBrand Design is a team of passionate and intuitive interior designers who possess a wide range of technical and innovative skills to bring visions to life. With a foundation built on caring for the environment, the team’s ultimate goal is to create less waste and cut down fewer trees. They believe that good design doesn’t have to cost the earth, quite literally. By using recycled materials, they create beautiful and stylish designs that contribute to a sustainable future. The team is composed of experienced designers, Ashleigh and Mikey, who have worked on various projects including prestigious live events and tours, bespoke furniture design, conceptual and technical design for manufacture, and custom lighting solutions for many buildings and projects worldwide. One of their notable achievements is the shortlisting of the product FLO, which was designed at Vexica Technology, for the Best Interior Luminaire 2017 at the Lighting Design Awards. BeeBrand Design is dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable designs that meet its client’s needs while caring for the environment.

Highlights of BeeBrand’s current product Images

  • Good solo and setting images
  • Great lighting & colour
  • A good number of images for most products
  • Clear, informative text in images

Areas for Improvement 

  • Added images with people
  • Better file names and alt-text for all images
  • Increased image size/resolution


The world of interior design and homeware design is changing.


Just like in confectionery and hot drinks, Better Images are being used to help the customer make a decision on what they want to buy. However, there are some key differences between these two industries.

Firstly, the interior design and homeware industry is not just about the product but it’s also about how you feel when you see it. This means that you need to think about how your product will look when it’s in your home or office as well as how it will look when you’re holding it in your hand or sitting down with a cup of coffee or having tea with friends.

Secondly, this industry is very much focused on individuality which means that no two people have exactly the same tastes or needs for their products. This means that any images you use must reflect this individuality in order for them to be successful at attracting customers into buying from you rather than someone else who might have better images!

This is why Better Images by Frame is so important. It cleverly takes existing product images from eCommerce websites and when put through our algorithm, it produces more high-quality Images. Better Images also offers Image SEO optimisation to improve product listings. We benchmark the whole site against a number of factors, resulting in a score out of 100 and when optimised increases metrics such as sales, brand awareness, and trustworthiness in not only the brand but also the product 

In Summary

These recent developments with Better Images by Frame show how the service is gathering real depth and talent, this is a result of expanding into different industries. The changes we made to Beebrands product images have allowed the brand to appear higher on search engines with better file names and alt-text for all of their product images, we’ve added people to strengthen the emotive response to their online customer audience and we have Increased the size and resolution of the images to make the outstanding product images clear and easier to see than ever before resulting in higher sales and increased trustworthiness.

So why not give Better Images by Frame a whirl and see if it works in your industry? 

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